Fort Mill Businesses
Fort Mill has a strong business history. In 1887, Samuel Elliott White founded Fort Mill Manufacturing, which grew to become Springs Industries under the leadership of his descendants. From this initial textile mill, the company became one of the largest worldwide producers of sheets, towels, and other linen products. That excellence continues today for companies in a wide range of industries.
Large corporations, medium-sized companies, and small businesses all find their niche here in Fort Mill. With a wide range of industries from financial services to manufacturing, we're confident you'll find your next opportunity here.
Some of the largest employers in the area include Lash Group, LPL Financial, Shutterfly, Wells Fargo and One Main Financial. Fort Mill is also home to York County’s largest manufacturing company, Schaeffler.
Job Stats
We're proud to help businesses relocate and expand.
FMEP works with businesses looking to relocate or to expand in the area in a variety of ways. We can help you find the space you’re looking for, be it established office space, acreage, or conversion options. We can also work with you to identify economic development incentive programs that may benefit your bottom line.
Community Banks
Our local financial institutions are proud to support Fort Mill businesses in our community.
Family Trust Federal Credit Union
Bank of America
First Citizens Bank
First Federal Savings Bank
First Horizen Bank
First National Bank
Movement Bank
PNC Bank
TD Bank
Truist Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
Woodforest National Bank
Incentives at the town, county, state, and federal levels are available in a variety of categories. Please note, any Town of Fort Mill incentives only apply to businesses within the town limits. Contact us for help in finding the right program for your business.
Fort Mill is a stone’s throw away from Charlotte in northeastern York County, and it is regularly recognized as one of the fastest-growing municipalities in South Carolina. The Fort Mill Township, which includes the town of Tega Cay and surrounding unincorporated communities, has about 50,000 residents.
Have your operations outgrown your current space? Or, perhaps you're relocating to the area? Find the perfect commercial space for your business with our property search tool.